فنادق في البندقية: احصل على أفضل عرض للحجز في الفندق في البندقية بأسعار رخيصة بدون رسوم حجز إضافية. وأنت تدفع رسوم حجز الغرفة في الفندق البندقية عند إنهاء إجراءات المغادرة. والإلغاء مجاني.


البندقية إيطاليا Places of Interest

Places of Interest

Cultural and artistic treasures of Venice include world renowned palazzos, museums, churches and other medieval architectural monuments. The Grand Canal is Venice’s major waterway, splitting the city in two parts and rimmed with wonderful palazzos and churches - Ca da Mosto, with its rounded arches in low relief, - The 'House of Gold' (Ca d'Ora), a beautiful Gothic building constructed between 1424 and 1430. Palazzo Corner-Spinelli and Palazzo Vendramin Calergi combine classical and Byzantine elements. Another notable Palazzo is the Grimani di San Luca. Pedestrian access across the canal is only provided along three bridges situated at the station, Rialto and Academia.

San Marco Square, the core of Venice, features magnificent Palazzo dei Dogi, Basilica di San Marco, a blend of Byzantine, Western European and Islamic styles. Its most precious relic is Pala d’Oro, a gold relief adorned with gems. The museums include Museo Correr, the Archaeological Museum and the Museo del Risorgimento, which are housed within the Procuratie Nuova. Attached to the Procuratie Vecchie is the triumphal Torre dell'Orologio. Beautiful Rialto Bridge used to be the centre of commerce and entertainment in medieval Venice.

Arsenale shipyards, the largest in medieval Europe, boasting the last innovations in that time, they could construct the galley in a matter of hours, as it was in 1574 for the commission of French king Henry III. Some workshops are now adapted as exhibitions.

Murano Island is world renowned for its glass masterpieces. They resemble of jewels by intense colours and brilliant sparkling. In the Middle Ages the secrets of its making were so precious, that the island was strictly guarded and nobody could leave or arrive. The nearby island of Burano is a haven for artists and exquisite lace workshops.

Campo dei Mori is an odd funnel-shaped square, adorned with three statues of Arabian-style “Moors”, medieval merchants from Levant. Campo San Bartolomeo, once home for the German community, with wonderful Chiesa di San Bartolomeo now serves as a trendy hangout for Venetian youth.

نحن نقدم 5702 فندقين في إيطاليا البندقية مع أسعار منخفضة وخصومات. نظامنا يوفر فنادق رخيصة وفاخرة في البندقية، النزل، الموتيلات، مبيت وإفطار، وفنادق اقتصادية في البندقية. لدينا عروض من الفنادق في مركز البندقية. يمكنك أيضا حجز فندق المطار البندقية بسعر رخيص. نظامنا آمن ومجاني (بدون رسوم إضافية على الحجز).

العثور على فندق

خريطة البندقية